Tuesday, September 7, 2010

E: A Day in Sentosa Siloso Beach

samson & i decided to have a pre-celebration of xavier's 2 years old birthday and headed to Sentosa on 6 Aug 2010. we went to Siloso Beach, Underwater World & Universal Studio. i guess i have alot of fun at the beach as compared to the other twos, as it is the first time that xavier has played with the sand and sea. not that we don't want him to play with it, but singapore doesn't really have clean beaches (at least in my view). haha..

at first, he was kinda reluctant to go and let his feet touch the sand. samson & i were trying hard to persuade the poor kiddo and slowly lure him. it was a hot day and the sand are biting our feet. nevertheless, we managed to find a shady spot and started playing there.

xavier enjoyed using the beach toys we bought and kept destroying the sand statues that samson made. you can hear it from his laughter and samson's complaint. brought him to the sea and we were all splashing towards each other. we kept going to and fro the sand and sea. the pic i like most is the one where samson and xavier 大手牵小手 walking towards the beach.

wonder when will we bring yorick with us as well... hmm...

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